Innovative new access deterrent measures for utility companies at less than
half the cost of traditional methods.
As we enter the era of increasingly stringent regulation and scrutiny of activities, the need to gather asset data gains pace and utility companies are becoming more aware of potentially hazardous situations that exist across their estates.

In the absence of alternatives, Utilities have been using expensive traditional methods of protection, often metal based, which have been storing a host of costly, potentially hidden, long-term liabilities with every measure installed.
Designed specifically for pipe crossings for utilities companies, the DefendaStrip Flex is a lightweight, safer and easy to install access deterrent. Costing less than half the price of metal alternatives whilst satisfying the HSE requirements for intruder safety, the Flex is a maintenance free, recyclable solution that will save you time and money.
A number of large national utilities companies, including Scotia and SGN have chosen the Flex for their pipes and crossings.
The G23 Process
Having undergone a set of field trials and stringent test procedures as part of the G23 process, DefendaStrip® satisfied all necessary requirements to be used across the UK’s biggest gas distribution network. This provides a high level of assurance to companies considering using DefendaStrip® as part of their product portfolio.

If you’d like to discuss your portfolio needs please get in touch. We offer special terms for our larger clients, so please let us know how we can help you.
We were recently awarded a contract to install Access Prevention Measures for a major utilities company’s exposed pipe crossings, which were accessible to the public and therefore a trespassing risk. DefendaStrip® was straightforward to use, easy to install and very versatile. We used a strapping system to secure the strip, which worked well on all pipe sizes and locations.